Daughter of the Moon #4
After I made the terrible decision to become a Daughter of the Moon, I didn’t think things could get much worse.
But now they are worse. Way, way worse.
When Ezra Blackthorn’s Army of Shadows attacks, I get airlifted by what looks like a pterodactyl (and I’m pretty sure its claws feel comparable) and find myself imprisoned in a place called The Obsidian.
And The Obsidian is about as welcoming as the name might imply.
Soon I meet Ezra who also happens to be public enemy #1. While Ezra looks about as intimidating as a high school math teacher before his morning coffee, Ezra’s bite is lots worse than his bark.
At least I’m not alone here—in a place that looks like it was decorated by Hades.
Valerian is here too. And I’m still trying to figure out whose side he’s on—Ezra’s, ours or his own…
Oh, yeah, and we’re both trying to escape, because I have a feeling we won’t like the plans Ezra has in store for us.
If that weren’t enough to ruin a girl’s day, I’ve just been tasked with my next tarot mission—that of The Lovers.
Right. While I’m in the middle of attempting to escape Mordor, my aunt Artemis wants me to learn some crap about love and relationships.
Between dodging Ezra, surviving the Obsidian, and tackling impossible tarot missions, my love life is the least of my problems… but knowing my luck, it’s probably the one that’ll get me killed.
The last person I expect to ask me a favor is the headmistress of Blood Rose Academy, Aurea Grimsbane.
But when she tells me her daughter, Vivian, has been brutally murdered, I can guess what’s coming next…
Yep, Aurea wants me to figure out what happened to Vivian. Of course, my first answer is a resounding ‘no’ because I want nothing to do with that backstabbing witch.
But when she threatens the safety of my family, claiming she’s stolen a bone dagger from the would-be Queen of Winter, Janara, my ears perk up.
Why? Because that dagger will kill me, and I don’t want to leave my boys without a mother.
So, yes, Aurea has me between a rock and a hard place, and this is one mystery I begrudgingly realize I’ll have to unravel.
Good thing I have my husband (in name only) Maverick by my side. Though it doesn’t help that my feelings for him are crossing into dangerous territory…
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